October 28-30, 2024 | Join us Oct. 28-30 for the MSAE 2024 Annual Conference. Sun, sand and surf shine in Orange Beach. Discover the laid-back coastal culture and charm along Alabama’s beaches at

Registration and agenda coming soon.




SPRING 2024 | View our latest magazine online. You’ll find helpful articles on technology and photos from our latest events.

  • When I first joined the MPA, I had no experience as an association executive. And my single best resource in the many years since has been the connections I’ve made with fellow executives through MSAE. The programming and networking have been invaluable to me in my career.

    Layne Bruce, Executive Director Mississippi Press Association

  • Perhaps the biggest benefit is having our meeting planning staff attend events where they get to know industry partners and learn about venues for our Small Town Conference, which changes locations each year. Our staff also benefits from the networking opportunities with other association staff. There have been instances when MML staffers have reached out to other associations when we’ve been contemplating changes in how we do things.

    Shari Veazey, Executive Director Mississippi Municipal League

  • The MSAE gives association executives and employees the chance to share ideas and improve their organizations. Running an association is a collaborative effort and being able to “steal” ideas from those who have found a better way makes everyone a worthier leader.

    Mark Leggett, President Mississippi Poultry Association

  • I am a member of MSAE because of the connection with my peers. When I attend an event, I come away with ideas, energy, and resources to make my organization stronger. I strongly recommend investing in a membership and taking advantage of the networking opportunities MSAE creates.

    Beth Embry, Executive Director Mississippi Association of Family Physicians

  • MSAE serves a vital role in providing excellent networking opportunities with other executive directors and association leaders, as well as with our industry partners. Cultivating connections is so important in our line of work. MSAE also provides quality educational programs at their lunch and learns and conferences. It is THE association for association professionals.

    Amanda Fontaine, Executive Director Mississippi Association of Broadcasters